One of A Kind Education
Happy New Year!

With a new year comes new beginnings, fresh starts, and resolutions. We are so proud to celebrate the achievement of saving 4,466 companion animals in 2022! This is more than ever before, and only made possible by our staff, volunteers, and supporters. It saddens us to realize that even with this number, there are so many more out there in need of rescue. You may be wondering what it takes to RESCUE, HEAL, and ADOPT this number of animals. Let’s discuss the specifics.
Seventy-four paid employees are working diligently to provide round-the-clock care, medical support, and enrichment for rescues in two facilities. Cat care, kennel technicians, vet assistants, adoption counselors, department managers, registered veterinary technicians, marketing professionals, maintenance and sanitary workers, social media coordinators, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fundraising teams, receptionists, human resources, and purchasing are most (but not all) of our staffing requirements. While visiting the rescue or the clinic you can witness our staff buzzing about doing what they do best. We are so grateful for their dedication.
Two hundred active volunteers. These volunteers support our rescue efforts in virtually every capacity. They walk and run dogs daily and provide invaluable enrichment for our pets. Playgroup is held six days a week at the rescue for our dogs who thrive in group play and provide extra exercise. Our volunteers assist with cat socialization to bring the shy kitties out of their shells and increase their adoption opportunities. Laundry is a never-ending task that is supported by everyone. Fundraising and event-planning are often supported by our volunteers and cannot take place without them.
Constant maintenance. As you can expect, two facilities caring for the number of pets we do, our facilities require routine maintenance. Lightbulbs and air filters are in regular rotation, while the drains and HVAC systems are routinely checked and maintained. It may be shocking for some to realize that we spend over $7,000 a year in trash disposal after recycling efforts. Our transport van is still the only one in use while waiting for the new one to arrive. Tires, oil changes, and fuel are part of our normal maintenance routine that cannot be ignored. As our economy fluctuates and costs continue to rise, the rescue is not immune to these increases.
What is our resolution for 2023? We resolve to work smarter, not harder. For many of us, we cannot possibly work harder. We believe that there are always smarter and better ways out there, and we resolve to find those ways and move the rescue forward in a more efficient manner. If you follow us closely, you will see these new improvements come to fruition at both the adoption center and the clinic. We are proud that we were able to rescue 4,466 cats & dogs in 2022, but we also realize that we cannot increase that number without making improvements in efficiencies. Your support will not only allow us to SAVE, HEAL, ADOPT, but also allow us to do it smarter! Any and all support is always appreciated.
Two Convenient Locations

Adoption Center
1929 West Market Street
Akron, OH 44313
(330) 865-6200
(behind Walgreen's and AutoZone)
Spay & Neuter Clinic
1700 West Exchange Street
Akron, OH 44313
(330) 865-6890
Connect with Us
Meet Our Pets
Please make an appointment to meet the many "One of A Kind" cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies looking for their forever homes. Walk-ins are admitted as occupancy safely allows at the time of your visit.
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