SPAY & NEUTER CLINIC (330) 865-6890 // RESCUE & ADOPTION (330) 865-6200

The story of the Diamonds in the Ruff

This is what we do at One of A Kind Pet Rescue
Save. Heal. Adopt.

Who are the Diamonds in the Ruff?

In early October, One of A Kind Pet Rescue staff and volunteers traveled to rural Ohio to rescue 53 dogs from a severe hoarding situation. These dogs were in misery with highly contagious sarcoptic mange. They had scratched their skin raw and lost much of their fur just as the weather was getting cold.

A Good Samaritan in Southern Ohio started taking in stray dogs that had been “dropped off” at their residence. Before they knew it, they were in over their head without manpower or finances to care for the dogs. Then, true disaster struck when some of these dogs contracted sarcoptic mange and infected all the dogs in his care. Imagine the worst bug bite you’ve ever received: you itch it, you scratch it and soon you’ve got an open sore. Now, multiply this by about 200 and that is what this family of dogs are experiencing.

The good news is that sarcoptic mange is treatable. It takes expensive medicine, medicated baths, high-quality nutritional supplements and a lot of extra manpower hours to care and heal these beautiful little souls.

Would you like to support our efforts?

We are thrilled to report that 35 of our 53 Diamonds in the Ruff family have been adopted! 

Thanks to the generosity of people like you, all 53 were healed of their mange. Most, like our little Malley Ruff, were ready for adoption within a month of their October rescue! It was amazing to watch their progress.

Saving the Diamonds in the Ruff

Within hours of being notified of the issue, the dogs we identified as the “Diamonds in the Ruff” were sound asleep at One of A Kind Pet Rescue and a building generously donated by Donae Ceja. Exhausted from their trip to Akron—they were now warm (many had been previously kept outside), had full bellies and were hopefully starting to feel the effects of the first round of medication given to destroy the mites that had been torturing them for months.

Preliminary evaluations indicated that most of the dogs would need dental care along with mange treatment. Some also needed proper vaccinations and spaying/neutering.

After hearing the news of these beautiful souls and their pain, people stopped by our Adoption Center with cages, crates, towels and cleaning supplies. On Friday night Virginia Addicott, CEO of FedEx Custom Critical in Green, had pizza delivered for everyone who was working overtime caring for our new residents.

A very humbling reality of this recent rescue operation is that we will probably never get to thank people properly by mail or email because so much support is coming in so quickly. Since the staff is focused on caring for animals, it’s hard to keep track of where everything originated. We sincerely appreciate all the support and want the community to know it wouldn’t be possible without their help.

A sad reality is that in most shelters across the country, one dog with a mange diagnosis typically receives a death sentence. It is contagious, expensive and time consuming to treat and many rescues don’t have the resources. But with the gracious support we’re receiving, it’s making it possible for us to continue providing the care necessary for this family of over 50 dogs.

Thanks to a generous matching grant, every donation will be doubled (up to $22,000) through the end of the year!

Time is running out in 2019

Please consider making a tax-deductible gift of $25 or more.

Healing the Diamonds in the Ruff

​In order for the Diamonds in the Ruff to get healthy and ready for adoption, One of A Kind Pet Rescue needed to give these dogs some intense care. In the weeks after the initial assessments, all the dogs were vaccinated, spayed or neutered, microchipped and provided any dental and other treatments they needed. The itching stopped and within a few weeks, fur started growing back on these wonderful pups.

The first of the Ruff family were available for adoption on November 9 when Ganley Toyota hosted an adopt-a-thon for the dogs. It was a huge success. Seven dogs were adopted that day. Thanks to the publicity sparked by the event and all of our friends sharing their story on Facebook, we had the momentum we needed to help get these pets into loving homes. A total of 22 of our priceless gems have been adopted so far.

We still have 31 Diamonds in the Ruff living at the shelter who need love and attention. Come visit a us and Find Your Next Family Member at One of A Kind Pet Rescue. You can also consider fostering a dog or donate to support the Ruffs until we can find each one the homes they deserve.

Adopting the Diamonds in the Ruff and Pets like them…

​But the hardest work continues. Thirteen dogs are still not ready for adoption as they remain extremely fearful and un-trusting. They need professional training to learn to be pets! Because we believe every life is worth saving, we dedicate our final 2019 appeal to raise funds for a behavioral specialist to help these animals, as well as our long-term residents.

Adding a professional to work with the remaining Ruff family and other dogs who have been with us for an extended stay, will ensure they are adopted into fur-ever homes before the next holiday season.

There’s still time to make a difference in 2019. Donate now!

Every dollar matters. Your help moving dogs to adoptability quicker is best for the dogs, but you also makes room for the next rescue. You save another life!

To our One of A Kind Pet Rescue family, thank you for supporting our mission, believing in our cause and for opening your hearts to our Diamonds in the Ruff.

Meet Our Pets

Please make an appointment to meet the many "One of A Kind" cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies looking for their forever homes. Walk-ins are admitted as occupancy safely allows at the time of your visit.

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