SPAY & NEUTER CLINIC (330) 865-6890 // RESCUE & ADOPTION (330) 865-6200

The story of the Cookies!

This is what we do at One of A Kind Pet Rescue
Save. Heal. Adopt.

Saving the Cookies

We were asked to accept five puppies into our rescue. Of course, we agreed, and the surrender date was scheduled. However, when these babies arrived, it was obvious that they needed us much more than we thought. At about four months old, these little cookies had been suffering from both sarcoptic and demodex mange for quite some time. Though it takes a tremendous amount of care, our team of trained and nurturing professionals rises to the challenge.

Immediately, our doctors assessed the baby girls, and a list of medications was made. However, not all the medications were on hand, and we didn’t have time to await shipments from our regular suppliers.  Thankfully, we have several pharmacies and doctors nearby ready to assist. It truly does take a village.

Already, Snickerdoodle, Oatmeal, Sugar, Chocolate Chip, and Oreo are showing improvement from arrival day. They will be in our care for several weeks, requiring both oral and topical medications, as well as medicated baths and additional staff tending to their needs. Additionally, personal protection equipment must be used while in isolation while handling these little girls, to prevent transmission.  Eventually, their crusty, inflamed exteriors will soften and heal to match the sweet, soft interior that each cookie possesses.

Your gift of any amount will directly help these girls who have not yet had the opportunity to truly enjoy life as a puppy.

Would you like to support our efforts?
Donate to our GoFundMe campaign today.
The story of the “The Cookies” isn’t over. We’ll keep updating this page and our social media channels as new information is available to share. Thank you again for your support!



Support One of A Kind Pet Rescue and you’ll make an impact in the care of the Ruff family and those like them.

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Please make an appointment to meet the many "One of A Kind" cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies looking for their forever homes. Walk-ins are admitted as occupancy safely allows at the time of your visit.

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