What’s Happening at
One of A Kind Pet Rescue
Learn more about the updates in this video below.

Our Processes
Get a list of our updated processes including social distancing, scheduling and other practices to keep you and our staff safe during the pandemic.

Give 10 & Save a Life
Join the Give 10 & Save a Life Campaign. If you’re one of the first 200 contributing members to pay in full for 12 months, you’ll receive an exclusive One of A Kind canvas tote.

Chase Your Tail
The 7th Annual Chase Your Tail Run/Walk is going VIRTUAL! Stay tuned for details about this year’s event—opening August 16th.
Meet Our Pets
Please make an appointment to meet the many "One of A Kind" cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies looking for their forever homes. Walk-ins are admitted as occupancy safely allows at the time of your visit.
Get Our Emails
Sign up for our One of A Kind bi-monthly email newsletter and receive pet care tips, check out our featured pets and get the latest news from One of A Kind Pet Rescue.
Upcoming Events
There's so much going on and we have the scoop on every kind of pet event. Find out what new pet-friendly events are coming up and join us for some fun and furry happenings.