Pet News
Fleas and Ticks 101

We are finally feeling the sun and as most of you know, the warm weather brings fleas and ticks. We have discussed the importance of prevention in the past, but we feel a bit more education on the topic could be beneficial.
Though we can use the same methods of prevention for both parasites, fleas and ticks are drastically different creatures. Both are pesky, both carry diseases and both feed off of warm-blooded mammals. However, they do all these things very differently and there are multiple variations of both species. Did you know that there are about 2,000 different types of fleas and 800 different variations of ticks found throughout the world? We don’t have to worry about all of them here in the United States, but if you are a world traveler it may be good information, as they could easily hop a ride home with you.
Fleas not only cause discomfort from biting, but they are also vectors of the bubonic plague. While there are few cases reported today, this rare disease wiped out one-third of Europe in the 14th century. Additionally, they can spread the bacterial disease murine typhus, which is transmitted to humans through infected rats. In pets, fleas serve as an intermediate host for tapeworm. The saliva of these biting pests is known to cause serious flea allergy dermatitis in dogs and cats ( We rescue many dogs who have suffered flea infestations, which causes them to lose their fur completely. If the case is bad enough, it may never grow back. If brought into the home, fleas will infest carpeting, furniture and all mammals within the home (including humans). The best option for everyone is prevention. There are various forms of flea prevention available, from collars to liquid to chewables. Most are effective for twelve weeks. It is always best to consult with your veterinarian regarding which method is best for your pet.
Ticks are different from fleas in that they actually attach themselves to their host and feed off the blood. Ticks can consume enough of a pet’s blood to cause anemia. They can also cause diseases in both humans and pets such as Lyme, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Ticks are most commonly found in grassy and wooded areas, so if you are frequenting these areas, it is imperative to check not only yourself but also your pets for ticks. It is very difficult to prevent ticks from attaching to our pets if they spend time in these areas, so the best course of action is prevention. Fortunately, tick and flea prevention are inexpensive and readily available.
At One of A Kind Pet Rescue and Spay & Neuter Clinic, we offer multiple forms of prevention. We are offering curbside pick-up if you wish to purchase from us. Please call the rescue at 330-865-6200 or the clinic at 330-865-6890 to schedule your purchase.
Two Convenient Locations

Adoption Center
1929 West Market Street
Akron, OH 44313
(330) 865-6200
(behind Walgreen's and AutoZone)
Spay & Neuter Clinic
1700 West Exchange Street
Akron, OH 44313
(330) 865-6890
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